On April 22, 2020 partners of the project PIMReC – «Adaptation of former observatory on the Pip Ivan mountain to the needs of alpine rescue service training center» organized online coordination meeting via Cisco WebEx cloud platform. Project aim is to establish close cooperation between Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and Warsaw University, Polish and Ukrainian rescue services to enhance the safety of mountain tourism.
The participant list includes Igor Tsependa – coordinator of PIMReC project, rector of the Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (VSPNU); Yaroslav Shynkaruk – head of the PIMReC infrastructural group, VSPNU Vice-Rector; Lyubov Zinyuk – PIMReC manager, head of the Project Management Department; Jan Tygielski and Iurii Tkachuk – manager of PIMeC project in the University of Warsaw; project team of the Department of State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region supervised by Volodymyr Chernetskiy, Head of the Department and Karolina Kiwior – project manager in Mountain Volunteer Searchand Rescue Bieszczady Group.

A number of important issues were discussed and considered during the meeting, namely changes caused by the current epidemic situation, which enables conduction of mass events (information days, roundtables, trainings for rescuers) foreseen by the project.
In regard to the construction works the project coordinator offered to apply a modular approach. Their final plan with proposed modifications including calendar changeswill be elaborated, settled and presented to the Joint Technical Secretariat of the Cross-Border Cooperation Program Poland-Belarus-Ukraine2014-2020 after April 25th.

All partners identified problems and obstacles, considered and settled ways of their overcoming. Besides the participants received prompts and pieces of advice as to the effective mechanisms of making changes in the project from Maryna Fartushnyak – Financial Manager of the Joint Technical Secretariat of Cross-Border Cooperation Program Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020.

The need to intensify the information component of the project, in particular to promote the forum on the project website https://pimrec.pnu.edu.ua was also discussed and considered.