Cooperation Agreement between the partners of PIMReC project, i.e. Vasyl Stefanyk
Precarpathian National University and the Department of the State Emergency Service of
Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region, was signed for the following five-year period. The
document, foreseeing improvement of the safety system in the Carpathians on basis of the
former observatory, located on Pip Ivan mountain, was signed by the rector of the
University – Igor Tsependa and the Head of the Department of the State Emergency
Service of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region – Volodymyr Chernetskyi.
The Agreement concerns mutual activity in the sphere of investment attracting for
renovation of the former observatory on Pip Ivan mountain; exchange of relevant
regulatory documents, covering investment, permitting and other activities, other
information materials; establishment of a separate high-mountain rescue station of the
Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region based
on astronomical and meteorological observatory; improvement of the safety system of the
maintenance personnel of the observatory; provision of certain requirements for protection
and safety of the tourists that meet international standards; involvement of Polish high-
mountain rescuers experience in settlement and operation of the high-mounting rescue
Cooperation between Vasyl Stafanyk Precarpathian National University and the
Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Ivano-Frankivsk region has
been conducted for 5 years already under conditions of sharing mutual interests, equality,
needs and opportunities of the Parties.
Testing mode of rescuers operation at Pip Ivan mountain commenced in August 2015. In
August 2016, Yavirnyk Search and Rescue Department was established. On September
16, 2017, the high-mountain rescue station was officially opened and the rescuers started
their shifts 24/7.
In 2019 Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and Warsaw University, in
partnership with the Department of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine in Ivano-
Frankivsk region and Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue Bieszczady Group (city of
Sanok, Poland) started project implementation of the cross-border cooperation program
Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 – “Adaptation of former observatory on the Pip Ivan
mountain to the needs of alpine rescue service training center“ (PIMReC).
Within the framework of PIMReC implementation, it is foreseen to purchase the required
rescue equipment and modern inventory for Ukrainian and Polish rescue teams for high-
mountain challenging search and rescue operations; conduct mutual trainings and
Part of PIMReC Project funds are sent to repair and arrangement of the premises as of the
project tasks.
At this moment, relevant repair works are being conducted in the premises of the