Active interior repair and exterior restoration works that have to be finished till autumn of this year, commence at the Observatory of Pip Ivan mountain after long-term winter period.
On June 27, PIMReC project coordinator – Rector of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University – Igor Tsependa and Director of the Center for East-European Studies of the University of Warsaw – Jan Malicki together with Ukrainian part of the project infrastructural group and construction contractors examined the facility after the snow melt and conducted a meeting within the Observatory before the planned official Infrastructural Group Meeting to take place on July 14-15.

Partners of the Project “Adaptation of former observatory on the Pip Ivan mountain to the needs of alpine rescue service training center“ (PIMReC) that is being implemented under financial assistance of the European Union within the cross-border cooperation Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014 – 2020 apply “modular” approach, i.e. stage-by-stage repair of the premises that are required for implementation of the declared plans. The concept, offered by Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, foresees creation of a so-called transformer that will unite modern scientific and research center and campus for training of specialists to conduct search and rescue operations.