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Adaptation of former observatory on the Pip Ivan mountain to the needs of alpine rescue service training center (PIMReC) is a complex infrastructural project aimed at solution of cross-border safety problems in high mountain tourism

Project duration – February 23, 2019 – February 22, 2021

Project budget – 1 170 269,82 Euro

Project aim is to build strong cooperation between Polish and Ukrainian institutions by jointly meeting challenge in improving security of the high mountain tourism.

Project objectives are:

  • Reconstruction and structural adaptation of former astronomical and meteorological observatory on the Pip Ivan mountain (Chornohora Mountain Range, Carpathian Mountains) to the needs of high mountain rescue service training center as well as rescue station functioning all the year round (24/7);
  • Development of top-notch joint Polish-Ukrainian trainings for high mountain rescuers with special attention to up-to-date rescue techniques in different weather conditions including case studies;
  • Forming mechanisms for emergency response and ways of interaction with relevant services in case of tourists’ life and health hazards;
  • Creation of electronic services platform as an effective information resource on the one hand for the exchange of experience and training materials between Polish and Ukrainian high mountain rescue teams and on the other hand a tool to inform tourists about preventive measures of being in the high mountain area, safety roots and meteorological forecast.

When the given training center will be established, the conditions for the training staff will be improved significantly, that will allow high mountain rescue team to perform their duties regarding rescue and preservation of human life as efficiently and professionally as possible. Besides, rescue units will be equipped with the latest means of rescue and monitoring, and medical equipment.

The following project will have a great positive impact on the development of joint territorial communities, that are located in mountainous areas regarding improvement of their security in case of emergency. In general the implementation of this project will have double effect, safety conditions will improve for mountain hiking tourism in Ukrainian Carpathians and the attractiveness of the region will increase for tourists, including foreigners, who will visit Ukraine. In general, this project will allow to raise level of safety for about 200 thousand people of local population, as well as for 2,5 million of tourists, who visit Ukrainian Carpathians every year.

Visiting Rules

  • In mountainous region it is necessary to move in a column, one by one, choosing the safest way.
  • Separation of the group is not recommended.
  • The pace of the group’s movements must be consistent with the level of participants’ preparation, the conditions of the terrain and weather. It is recommended to stop for 10-15 minutes every 45-50 minutes.
  • Avoid rocky areas on your way. Remember that it is possible to climb even simple rocks without a rope, but it is usually impossible to descend without it.
  • Do not stray off the path going straight as you can step on the snow slope and get into an avalanche.
  • It is not recommended to move in thick fog and in the dark, as you can lose orientation and fall from the snow eaves.
  • Do not climb up or descend through narrow crevices as there is possibility of landslides or avalanches.
  • While climbing up a steep slope use tracking sticks.
  • If you start feeling unwell, tell the members of your group about your state immediately.
  • If you happen to be in a situation you can’t cope with by yourself, call the mountain rescue service urgently at 094 92 28 112 or at 112, and briefly inform what happened, where and when. Prepare for night in advance: at least an hour before it is getting dark.
  • When choosing a place to sleep, remember that you can not pitch the tents near steep slopes, under rocks or lonely trees, on the cliffs or near mountain streams.

– to get acquainted with the weather forecast for the next few days (if weather conditions are unfavorable, you should cancel the journey);

– to inform the search and rescue agency, which is responsible for the territory of the route, about the time of beginning of the journey and approximate time of the return of the group;

– to have appropriate tourist clothes and equipment (according to the season and weather conditions), and also a first-aid kit.

– After reaching Mount Pip Ivan Chornohirsky, you should adhere to the relevant rules, do not set fire and use it for light in the adjacent area.

The second information day in Ivano-Frankivsk

Today on one of the central squares of Ivano-Frankivsk the second information day on the project “Adaptation of the former Observatory on Pip Ivan Mountain to the needs of the High Mountain Rescue Training Center” (PIMReC), implemented with the financial support of the European Union under the Cross-Border Cooperation Program – Cross-border Cooperation – Ukraine 2014 – 2020.

Continue reading The second information day in Ivano-Frankivsk