February 22, in Yaremchea grant agreement between Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University and the Ministry of Investment and Development of Poland concerning the project “Adaptation of former observatory on the Pope Ivan mountain to the needs of alpine rescue service training center” in the framework of EU cross-border cooperation Poland-Belarus-Ukraine (PL-BU-UA) 2014-2020 has beensigned.
The concept suggested by the Precarpathian National University is to create a centre, which combines a modern scientific research center with the base training for conducting search-and-rescue operations. Implementation of the project is based on the previous agreements between the Precarpathian National University and the department ofDSNS in Ivano-Frankivskregion, on the basis of which from September 2017, in the International Scientific Center «Observatory» operates 24/7Iavirnytsk search and rescue branch of the 4th specialized search-and-rescue team of DSNS in the Ivano-Frankivskregion, Ukraine.
The partners of the Precarpathian National University in this project are the University of Warsaw, which implemented a joint project to create an international scientific centre “Observatory on Mount PIP Ivan” (the Carpathian mountains), as well as the department of DSNS in Ivano-Frankivskregion, Ukraine and the Beshchadsky Mountain Rescue Department (city of Sanok, Poland).
In the framework of the project, installation of modern meteorological equipment, acquisition of the necessary rescue techniques and modern equipment for Ukrainian and Polish rescue squads in order to perform search and rescue operations in the difficult conditions of highlands, joint training and exercises have been planned. Part of the funds will be directed to the renovation and equipping of the premises in the framework of the project tasks