On April 27, 2022 the 8th On-line Partners Coordination Committee Meeting of PIMReC Project “Adaptation of former observatory on the Pip Ivan mountain to the needs of alpine rescue service training center“ (PIMReC) that is being implemented under financial assistance of the European Union within the cross-border cooperation Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014-2020 took place.
The grantholders, who are the representatives of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, headed by the Project Coordinator, Rector Ihor Tsependa, Head of PIMReC Infrastructural Group Unit, Vice-Rector of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University – Yaroslav Shynkaruk and Project Manager, Head of Project Management Department – Lyubov Zinyuk; Project Partners from DSESU in Ivano-Frankivsk region, who were introduced by the Chief Specialist of International Cooperation Department – Vitalii Verbnyi; Partners of Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue Bieszczady Group (GOPR) were represented by the Project Manager – Karolina Kiwior and Partners from the University of Warsaw were represented by Project Managers Yurii Tkachuk and Jan Tygielsky participated in the meeting.

The partners discussed peculiarities of project implementation under martial law in Ukraine, considered what activities can be conducted by the end of the project and where slight amendments can be made to the project budget. The consortium discussed issues concerning the tender procedures and procurement of equipment, foreseen under the project, as well as status of construction works at that moment.

The Partners declared their willing to finalise the project in time, date of official Observatory opening is planned for July 28, however due to reasonable conditions, it is possible that finalisation deadline may be postponed for three months.
It was also agreed that next meeting of PIMReC Infrastructural Group Unit will be held after May 15 within the Observatory premises.